Monday, June 9, 2008


well, I am so scared right now. Barack Obama is about to be our next president.
I am not racist, so dont even go there. Two of my great friends are black. I just feel McCain is more qualified than Obama.
I mean, he says "Change". Change what? Americas main relegion? Take god out of everything? Are we going to be sworn in on the Koran from now on?
Or are we going to change our main language?
Change how we treat those damn illegals?
He hasn't said what we are changing yet, and that scares the shit out of me.
So why are we voting him as our next president? Is America really that stupid?
they say the world will end with the rise of the next anti-christ. We had Hitler, we had that other guy (I can never remember his name!) They also say that anti-christ will rise in the year twenty twelve. Could Americas stupidity be the downfall of the world? Could we really be electing the next anti christ?
Are we really electing a man who thinks that America has 57 states, and that its not cool to wear an american flag on his lapel?
Show some pride in your country, America.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Help Wanted

I feel like sticking a help wanted sign in my front yard and hiring someone to do my work for me. Thats just who I am, lazy and pessimistic. I perfer to hang out with friends, rather than do boring work that I dont even get paid for.
Not that my friendships are going perfectly smoothly. Just last night, I completly lost it on one of my best friends in the world. Well, thats what I thought we were, but when I was the last one to know about her party, I got a little pissed off. So I told her friends, who in turn told her. She flipped, said I am never there for her when she needs me (a lie, she couldn't think of even one time I wasn't there), and I told her i didnt need people like her in my life. Cleansing my life of all the unnescarry bad influences. I think its working. I allready feel better.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Schools Out!

haha, omgoodness!!!!! Today was the last day of school! *jumps for joy* haha. We went two full periods and left... best school day ever! Although I do find I miss everyone already.
This summer is going to be a time of renewal, and a time to get over him. I have planned it all out. New style, new haircolour, new everything. In order to forget him, I first have to destroy all physical memories. Summer is the best time for that.
Write more later, I promise!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the chocolate - - - not so sweet

Well, way back in February, I was using my uncles old phone as a replacement for the one of mine that got stolen. It was so gay. No camera, no pictures, no AIM, nothing but calls and texting. But i find I miss it now. Especially seeing my new phone, the pink chocolate. Its so gay! I have had it a little while, and I bought it used from eBay. I have never had a problem with it till now. The camera doesn't work right anymore.
Want my advice. Don't get the chocolate. Get something cooler.
Like the glyde. Just not the chocolate.
And to think I have to wait till next august for something that works.