Friday, May 23, 2008

Geico, anyone?

My friend (whom I am fighting with) just sent me this text message that explained how I should stop talking about her behind her back, and how big of a bitch I was and I got so mad till I got to the end and saw this:
" But you know what: Its all good cause I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance with Geico!"
What the hell? Were not even old enough to drive! Haha, and why send this to a girl whom you called ugly and told not to ever talk to you again? Can you say sugar high? Anyway, I didnt post this to talk shit on her. I came to do what I promised I would do. Advertise their Youtube. See thats the person I am, I keep promises. So, despite the fact that I am really mad at them, you should check out their videos. Mabey comment. It is hilariously funny in my opinion.
They are two bestfriends sent lose with a webcam, and a voice changer that makes them sound like chipmunks on speed. If you can understand them, I congratulate you. Just check it out dude.

1 comment:

XxSaraSuicidexX said...

FYI: I didnt call you ugly... Brianna did. I was the one saying not to talk to us or something idk. Thats why i said not to hang out with her anymore(but obviously didnt listen -.-) because she talks shit on you behind your back. I'm not gonna say exactly what... but yeah (I do the same to her but i'm not hanging out with her anymore... and i know she does to me too)... but yeah.